about US

Together, my brother and I have always loved the game of hockey.  We are both fortunate enough to be able to play the sport and at a competitive level.   The majority of our time is spent at the rink, so it was only destined that our business is part of our hockey life.  We also would like to give back and make sure that more kids are able to play this amazing sport.  

(The first order of Zippy's)

Jayden Zister

Jayden Zister | Defence | #14

Colour of Zippy's Wax: Red
Scent of Zippy's Wax: Watermelon (Red Wax)
NHL Player: Corey Perry 
NHL Team: Toronto Maple Leafs

Blake Zister

Blake Zister | Defence | #16

Colour of Zippy's Wax: Yellow
Scent of Zippy's Wax: Raspberry (Purple Wax)
NHL Player: Mitch Marner 
NHL Team: Toronto Maple Leafs

How Zippy's Hockey wax got started

As a family activity we decided to make some hockey wax at home for ourselves and after watching a few Youtube videos we got at it.  Once it was done I asked my Dad if I could make more and sell it to my friends, my brother responded "me too...".   My Dad then said "hey you always wanted your own business Jayden, why not try it".  We then got hard at work and came up with Zippy's Hockey Wax with a little help from my Dad - lol.  

First prototype

Final Product

The NAme Zippy

Our family name is Zister and starting with my Great Grandpa, everyone has called us Zip.  My Dad is Zip 03 (third generation) and has it on his licence plate and tattooed on his arm.  Every family member has a licence plate with Zip in it, so if you see someone driving you know they are part of our family.   As a kid my Dad was called Zippy and he now calls my brother and I the same thing.  We thought it would only be fitting that we used the family nickname for our wax.  

© Copyright Zippy's Hockey Wax